2007 Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire Schedule
The Boar's Head and Gypsy Encampment
Merchant's Stage & Queen's Courtyard
Greenwood Stage & the SCA Eric
Scullion's Stage
The Queen's Stage
Musician's Tree, Royal Magick, Tourney Field, & Scots
Greenwood Fighters' Eric & Maypole Commons
9:45 Opening Parade and Ceremonies at the Shire Gate

Troupe Du Soleil Dancers

Middle Eastern Dancers

James Funke-Loubigniac

Musician From the North

Magical Strings Fyne Harpist & Harp Maker


10: 15
Zinger the Magik & Royal Magik

Renaissance Dancers & Renaissance Singers



A Family of Fyne Musicians

The fighters of the Society for Creative Anachronism


The Juggler

Idlewilde Musicians & Storytellers From the East

English Country Dancers, Musicians, & Maypole Dancers


Bridgetowne Morrismen

Dancers of Renoun

Sherwood Singers

Wonderous Fyne Madrigals

Payne’s Natural Magicks

A visit with

William Shakespeare

Harper Tasche Harpist of the Pretty Silver Hair

The Seattle Knights, Equestrian Games, Jousting, Fighters

Natan Der ZangerAmazing Musician and Vocalist


Greenwood Gypsie Dancers

& The Red Throbbing Hand, Musicians

The Farwander,Alun Ormond Musician and Vocalist

The Charming Puppets of Clay Martin

James Funke-Loubigniac

Musician From the North

Last Leaf Presents

William Shakespeare's

12th Night

Zinger the Magik & Royal Magik



A Family of Fyne Musicians


Michaela,Ye Merrie Greenwood Storytellers & Swashbucklers

William Barr First Juggler to HRM Elizabeth I

The Sultans of Sling Masters of the Whip

Natan Der ZangerAmazing Musician and Vocalist

Sultana Middle Eastern Dancers


Greenwood Renaissance Singers



A Family of Fyne Musicians

The Wonderous Greenwood Puppets

Janet Naylor Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianna Anastacia

The Reverend Chumleigh Man of Mystery

Ye Very Talented Merrie Greenwood Scots

Fighters of the Kingdoms of Chivalry & the Duchy of Alhambra


Bridgetowne Morrismen

Dancers of Renoun

Homer Tales by Phillipe & Companions

Her Excellency’s Uniquely Magnificent Singers

A visit with

William Shakespeare

Harper Tasche Harpist of the Pretty Silver Hair

The Seattle Knights, Equestrian Games, Jousting, Fighters


The Juggler


Greenwood Gypsie Dancers

& The Red Throbbing Hand, Musicians

Sherwood Singers

Wonderous Fyne Madrigals

The Charming Puppets of Clay Martin

The Farwander,Alun Ormond Musician and Vocalist

The Wastekeep Company of Players and Fools Presents

True Hearts,

Black and Blue

Zinger the Magik & Royal Magik

The Fighters of the Realms of Avalon


Michaela,Ye Merrie Greenwood Storytellers & Swashbucklers

Payne’s Natural Magicks

The Sultans of Sling Masters of the Whip

Magical Strings Fyne Harpist & Harp Maker

Sultana Middle Eastern Dancers

Very Talented Merrie Greenwood Scots


Bridgetowne Morrismen

Dancers of Renoun

The Wonderous Greenwood Puppets

Janet Naylor Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianna Anastacia


The Juggler

Harper Tasche Harpist of the Pretty Silver Hair

Ye Merrie Greenwood Players Renaissance Singers

Idlewilde Musicians & Storytellers From the East


Troupe Du Soleil Dancers

Middle Eastern Dancers

William Barr First Juggler to HRM Elizabeth I

A visit with

William Shakespeare

Natan Der ZangerAmazing Musician and Vocalist

Last Leaf Presents William Shakespeare's
A Comedy of Errors

Ye Very Talented Merrie Greenwood Scots

The Reverend Chumleigh Man of Mystery


The Arrival of Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth I of England & Her Court -
to be entertained by:

Payne’s Natural Magicks

The Seattle Knights, Equestrian Games, Jousting, Fighters


The Fighters of the Realms of Avalon

The Farwander,Alun Ormond Musician and Vocalist

Bridgetowne Morrismen

Dancers of Renoun

The Charming Puppets of Clay Martin

Greenwood Musicians

Troupe Du Soleil Dancers

Middle Eastern Dancers

The Sultans of Sling Masters of the Whip

Janet Naylor Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianna Anastacia

Magical Strings Fyne Harpist & Harp Maker

Zinger the Magik & Royal Magik

Idlewilde Musicians & Storytellers From the East

William Shakespeare

Greenwood Madrigals & English Country Dancers


The Reverend Chumleigh Man of Mystery

The Farwander,Alun Ormond Musician and Vocalist

The Sultans of Sling Masters of the Whip

Sherwood Singers

Wonderous Fyne Madrigals


Sultana Middle Eastern Dancers

Janet Naylor Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianna Anastacia



Greenwood Renaissance Singers

The Departure of Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth I of England  & Her Court.  Close of the Faire