A Faire Bit of Historie...

Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire was established in 1986 as a SunFest event in Richland WA. In 1989, Ye Merrie Greenwood Players, the people who "people" the "Faire", incorporated to became the only non-profit touring Renaissance Company in the State of Washington at that time. Based out of the Tri-Cities in Washington, we tour throughout the Northwest. We have performed in many locations in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho at which we presented both single day and weekend long renaissance events.

Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire was the culmination of the "Players" work and the "Home Event" for the troupe. Sadly however, nothing last forever and all good things must come to an end. 2019 saw the last presentation of our home faire. The Greenwood Players consists of actors, dancers, and musicians of all ages. We bring Elizabethan England alive through song, dance, costuming, and environmental theatre. The company members research their own character and make their own costumes. The clothing they wear is a real expression both of the character they play and their own personality, as well as a representation of actual clothing of the times.

The Greenwood Players lecture in local schools on the times and customs of Elizabethans, as well as teaching some singing and dancing. We have been seen by kindergarten through college level groups throughout the Columbia Basin area.

We also present "Mystery Dinners" set in various historical periods. The Mystery Dinners are directly interactive with the audience and are most often performed in a banquet setting.

Performers of all ages and abilities are welcome to join our ranks. Technicians and stagehands are always needed. Experience is not required. Whether you want to act, sing, dance, or just help us put up sets, everyone is welcome.